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1.   Han, W. #, Liu, L. #, Wang, J. #, Wei H. #, Li, Y. #, Zhang, Lj. #, Guo, Z., Li, Y., Liu, T, Zeng, Q., Xing, Q., Shu, Y., Wang, T., Yang, Y., Zhang, M., Li, R., Yu, J., Pu, Z., Lv, J., Lian, S., Hu, J., Hu, X., Bao, Z., Bao, L.*, Zhang, Ll.*, Wang, S.*. (2022). Ancient undifferentiated sex chromosomes maintained by reversible sex-biased genes and sex determiner translocation. Nature Ecology & Evolution6: 1891-1906. (Cover Story; Behind the Paper: The ‘forever-young’ secret of scallop sex chromosomes: exceptions to the ‘general’ rules)

2.   Ye, N. #,*, Han, W. #, Toseland, A, Wang, Y., Fan, X., Xu, D., Oosterhout,C, Sea of Change Consortium, Grigoriev, I., Tagliabue, A, Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., Ma, J, Qiu, H., Li Y., Zhang X *, Mock, T.*. (2022). The role of zinc in the adaptive evolution of polar phytoplankton. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6, 965-978 (NEE News & Views: Polar algae flaunt their zinc assets)

3.   Teng, L. #Han, W. #, Fan, X., Zhang, X., Xu, D., Wang, Y., Rahman, S., Pellegrini, M., L. Mock, T., Ye, N.*. (2021). Integrative analysis of chloroplast DNA methylation in a marine alga—Saccharina japonicaPlant Molecular Biology 105, 611–623. (Cover story)

4.   Han, W., Fan, X., Teng, L., Kaczurowski, M.J.S., Zhang, X., Xu, D., Yin, Y., and Ye, N.*. (2019). Identification, classification, and evolution of putative xylosyltransferases from algae. Protoplasma 256, 1119-1132.

5.   Fan, X., Han, W., Teng, L., Jiang, P., Zhang, X., Xu, D., Li, C., Pellegrini, M., Wu, C., Wang, Y.Kaczurowski, M.J.S., Lin, X., Tirichine, L. Mock, T*., Ye, N.*. (2020). Single-base methylome profiling of the giant kelp Saccharina japonica reveals significant differences in DNA methylation to microalgae and plants. New Phytologist225, 234-249. 

6.   Fan, X. #, Qiu, H. #Han, W., Wang, Y., Xu, D., Zhang, X., Bhattacharya, D.*,  and Ye, N.*. (2020). Phytoplankton pangenome reveals extensive prokaryotic horizontal gene transfer of diverse functions. Science Advances 6, eaba0111. 

7.   Li, Y. #, Liu, Y. #, Yu, H., Liu, F., Han, W., Zeng, Q., , Zhang, Y., , Zhang, L., Hu, J., Bao, Z., Wang, S.*. (2022). Adaptive bird-like genome miniaturization during the evolution of scallop swimming lifestyle. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gpb.2022.07.001

8.  Wang, J.#, Yu, H. #, Yao, L. #, Li, Y.*, Liu, F., Han, W., Cui, C., Hu, J., Bao, Z., Wang, S*. (2020). Genomic and transcriptomic landscapes and evolutionary dynamics of molluscan glycoside hydrolase families with implications for algae-feeding biology. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 18, 2744-2756.

9.  Wang, Y., Fan, X., Gao, G., Beardall, J., Inaba, K., Hall-Spencer, J.M., Xu, D., Zhang, X., Han, W., McMinn, A., Ye, N.*. (2020). Decreased motility of flagellated microalgae long-term acclimated to CO2-induced acidified waters. Nature Climate Change 10, 561-567.

10. Zhang, X. #, Xu, D. #, Huang, S., Wang, S., Han, W., Liang, C., Zhang, Y., Fan, X., Zhang, X., Wang, Y.Wang, W.Egan, S.Saha, M.Li, F.*, Ye, N.*. (2020). The effect of elevated pCO2 on cadmium resistance of a globally important diatom. Journal of Hazardous Materials 396, 122749.

11. Xu, D. #, Brennan, G. #, Xu, L., Zhang, X., Fan, X., Han, W., Mock, T., McMinn, A., Hutchins, D.A., and Ye, N.*. (2019). Ocean acidification increases iodine accumulation in kelp-based coastal food webs. Global Change Biology25, 629-639.

12. Xu, D. #, Schaum, C. , Li, B., Chen, Y., Tong, S., Fu, F., Hutchins., D., Zhang, X., Fan, X., Han, W., Wang, Y., Ye, N.*. (2021). Acclimation and adaptation to elevated pCO2 increase arsenic resilience in marine diatoms. The ISME Journal15 (6), 1599-1613.